As we head into the new year, it is important to continue the momentum so you can have a successful beginning to the year. Remember, successful days lead to successful weeks and successful years. In this training, Paul and Melissa talk about some things you should consider to create success as you begin a new year. These principles can be applied to your photography business … [Read more...] about Prepping Your Business for the New Year
Chasing the Unicorn: Productivity
The perfect work day, the unicorn for the productive entrepreneur. You've read numerous articles about the most successful entrepreneurs who map out their day to the tee. They have time designated for a morning meditation, an invigorating workout to get their blood pumping, and a healthy breakfast. They have systems set in place to know exactly what they are doing, where they … [Read more...] about Chasing the Unicorn: Productivity
Geek Out On Networking: How to Step Up Your Networking Game
Anyone that knows us, understands that we are huge networking geeks. We love learning about people and think our backgrounds in sales and psychology has a big part to do with this. Networking is an activity that can boost your photography business substantially. It puts your face to your brand. You become the go to person and the expert in your field. Successful networking … [Read more...] about Geek Out On Networking: How to Step Up Your Networking Game
Tipping Point: How to Prepare Your Business for the New Year
Malcolm Gladwell, author of The Tipping Point, defines tipping point as "The moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling point". For entrepreneurs this is relevant with the way they brand, market, and do their day to day duties in their business. It is the little things that you do now that make a big difference, and bring you to that tipping point, a pivotable place to … [Read more...] about Tipping Point: How to Prepare Your Business for the New Year
Theme Days: Making the Most of Your Time
Remember the rush you would get as a child when it was time to plan for your birthday? It was the event you looked forward to all year and each time there was a special theme to plan for. Superheros, princesses, sports, and music were just some of the themed birthday parties we personally attended as kids. And with each theme were aspects that made the party congruent and … [Read more...] about Theme Days: Making the Most of Your Time